The First Congregational Church of Woodbury, Connecticut

Committed to the historic Christian faith

Founded in about 1659 as the First Ecclesiastical Society of Woodbury, the church was organized in 1670. We continue to meet weekly in our third meeting house, completed in 1818.

Committed to renewing Congregationalism and our congregation

The church meets every Sunday at 10 AM. You will hear an expository sermon based on the day’s scripture lessons. We sing psalms and hymns. We have communion every Sunday. We recently called a new pastor.

Join us this Sunday at 10 AM

First Church Woodbury is located at:

214 Main Street South
Woodbury, Connecticut 06798

At the corner of Main Street (Route 6) and Judson Avenue. 

The church driveway entrance is to the right of the church as you’re heading north and it’s a left turn just before Judson.

You may park behind the church (ample handicapped parking available), on Main Street, or in the LaBonne’s grocery store parking lot. 

For door-to-door driving directions, click here.

“A bruised reed he will not break, and a faintly burning wick he will not quench.”

Isaiah 42:3

English Standard Version

Let us hear from you

Email the pastor with your questions at